Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Lourodis - If I didn't have them someone would complain


    What sets them apart from their original human are their cat-like appearances. They stand from 127 cm to 140 cm for the males and 120 to 135 cm for the females. Their bodies are lean and their feet are large and digitigrade. Their arms are of proper proportions with their fingers seeming elongated due to their claws.
    Their bodies are covered completely in fur with varying colours and thickness's. They are very similar to cat in their variations. This is because like many of the descendants of man they were made primarily for look with the secondary feature being their appearances.


    This varies from individual to individual. They have no home planet to base their culture on. As such they tend to be the most varied, almost everywhere you go you will find one. Traits that they are known for are common idiosyncrasies, such as they tend to be highly attracted to shiny or moving objects. This is often severe almost to the point of pure fixation.

Well Known Families

    Black-Fang - The Black-Fang is an extraordinarily dangerous family. They hire mercenaries from all other races. They are known for being the most wanted family in all of the empire. They are also known to be practically untouchable their power and wealth is so great that they control an army of criminals and thugs.
    Vhsallima - Their family name means the right hand of the emperor. They are known for their intelligence and strength. They form the fourth division of the imperial honour guard. Their overall influence and military prowess is comparable to the Dedekind making the two families close allies and rivals.

Racial Traits and Abilities

 +2 Dex -2 Wis
Low Light Vision
Dark Vision 30 ft
+2 on Spot and Survival Checks

1d4  x2 Slashing

Vital Statistics

Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
12 years +1d4 +2d6 +4d6

Aging Effects
Middle Age Old Venerable Maximum Age
30 years 40 years 50 years +2d4
At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.,
At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.,
At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Just Another Forum

I would like to announce here that I have started a little forum site under the same strange naming convention that I use. It's still a work in progress and I'm not sure what I expect out of it. I would like the forums to become a place of fun and something active but from past experience I learned that is hard without something to draw people to it.

As a side note I am working on a die rolling system for the forums so that people can run rpg's there with DnD and the like.

The last part of this notice is the link

As always feel free to leave questions or suggestions.

P.S. I am still working on the space races I am just waiting for them to be drawn, the artist who I have asked to do this is working very hard on this and has been a big help, give her your support here.